Monthly Archives: May 2021

A State of Heart

So often we hear, “It’s a state of mind.” But what I’ve found is that the mind can only take us so far. If something’s missing in your life and you can’t seem to find your happy place, my bet is that it’s time to shift your “state of heart.”

Cultural norms and daily pressures can lead us into daily routines that may serve us in the short-term, but rarely lead us into true joy. I recently read a quote in Martha Beck’s latest book, “The Way of Integrity” that resonated with me – “If something’s not working, don’t do it harder” and expect a better outcome. We’re told if we just work “hard enough” we can accomplish all of our goals. But the real question is what are your TRUE goals? Not what society tells you that you need, but what really brings you to your happy place? When you break it down, it’s usually something pretty simple. Peace. Time with my family. Laughter. Feeling the sun on my face. What is it for you? The only way to find out is to get still, quiet the mind…and ask your heart.